1876年,现在的圣. Joe’s Prep was open country that was near the Centennial Exposition in Fairmount Park, which celebrated the country’s 100th year of independence. 为了百年博览会, the old wooden bridge at 吉拉尔 Avenue was replaced with a new steel one, which subsequently led to the development of the 吉拉尔 Area. 大约在这个时候, 马里兰州的耶稣会士正在计划在城市的一个更有利于经营学院的地方建立另一个教区. 吉拉德地区似乎是一个自然的地方,因为它是一个繁荣的郊区,有吉拉德学院, 东部州立监狱, 一个医院, 还有一个水库. Fr. Barbelin在17街和18街之间找到了一个未开发的街区,南北与汤普森街和斯泰尔斯街相连. Because of its high water table no one else had built there. 而店主想要一个虚高的60美元的价格,他最终以45美元和解,000, 交易于11月20日完成, 1866.
In 1868, just as the existing College at Willings Alley was fading to 60 students, Rev. 伯查德·维利格,S.J. took up residence in North Philadelphia to begin the building of a parish, 在吉拉德大道附近有一所初中和一所大学.
原来的建筑在地下室有一个小教堂和教室,后面有一个耶稣会的住所. 地下室于1873年完工,小学班级以及希腊语和拉丁语组成了所谓的St. 约瑟的大学. 起初,这个教区被称为新圣. 约瑟夫’s, but this was very confusing, so the name was changed to Holy Family Church.
这个建筑群在1879年完成后不久,就开始了后来被称为耶稣教堂的工作. Fr. 维利格的智慧并不总是显而易见的,因为耶稣教堂对一个新教区来说是一项巨大的事业, burdened with debt from the land purchase and the $30,斯泰尔斯街的那幢楼. A shortage of funds as well as design and construction problems slowed its completion. 弗朗西斯·德雷塞尔,圣. 凯瑟琳·德雷克塞尔, 1885年去世,留给圣约瑟夫学院72美元,000, 解决了“学院”的一个问题. 1888年10月8日. 维利格在新耶稣教堂的盛况和脚手架中庆祝他加入耶稣会50周年. This great new church did not command the view of 吉拉尔 Avenue that it does today. St. Matthews Episcopal church occupied the corner of 18th and 吉拉尔. The original interior of the church was painted white, 大概是出于成本的原因, 光与味.